Dual villa


Dual villa

Design process

In the last 100 years, Iran has witnessed two revolutions and several major political coups with different political systems. 

These coups are rooted in the intellectual contradiction between traditionalism and modernity. In the Pahlavi period, the government tried to modernize the Iranian people, and in the Islamic Republic, it tried to strengthen traditionalism among the people.  By designing a Dual villa, we are trying to portray this contrast. One of the elements of traditional Iranian culture is joking. Considering the glass tubes in the space, in addition to providing light, we added a sense of humor by jumping the host from the first floor into the pool water.We considered transparency and dynamism in the glass box.

 As a result, stairs and elevators are designed in this space. Also, the surface on the glass is composed of photovoltaic cells that supply energy to the building. The passage of a brick box

 through the traditional wall shows the thinking of people today towards modernity.
