Head and entrance of Sofe cable car

Design process

The city of Isfahan is one of the top 5 tourist cities in Iran because of the many attractions it has. Also, due to the presence of beautiful Iranian architecture and many covered bridges, beautiful tunnels, palaces, mosques and unique minarets in Iranian culture, it has been nicknamed half of the world.

But due to the fact that in the last few years there has been a distance from the grandeur of the past architecture, we have been trying to consider the following points:

1- Using the collection

2- Iranian architecture alongside modern architecture

3- Social and attracting tourists

4- Technology and energy sustainability

5- Construction material according to the climatic region

At the beginning of the pedestrian entrance to the complex, we considered two sets of stairs that users and tourists use to reach the entrance and exit of the ramp. The opening of this space between the stairs is in a way that attracts the viewer to the central space and the stairs upon entering.

When the visitor reaches the top of the ramp, he can have a good view of the city or help the collection to be seen more and better by taking artistic photos and republishing them in the virtual space.

When the visitor reaches the center, he will encounter a green space and a pond in the center where he can rest for a few minutes, and at the end of it is the location of the guard room, monitoring, rest room and toilet for the use of guards and tourists. given.
