Villa Amir


Villa Amir

Design process

Amir Villa is located in a mountainous area in Hezar Dasht town located in Abali. The subject of the design was the climate of the region, the need of the employer for a wide view and the variety in the use of materials in a uniform space, which faced us with a great challenge in design.

Design with colored cubes with a variety of materials It was done instead of houses with sloping roofs.

Four diverse cubes that housed a living room, lounge, library and pool.

Cubes that were beautifully stacked, which in addition to the variety in layout offered a variety of access to the audience. . Large windows throughout the building provided a wide view of the outside space and the view of the pool and vice versa that the client intended.

Now it was a matter of the region’s cold climate and preventing energy loss throughout the building. This design, by designing double-glazed windows and using an air conditioning system that blows hot air into the glass, in addition to preventing the glass from evaporating in the pool area, also prevents energy loss. The installation system in this building is completely intelligently designed and three heating systems, air conditioner, fan coil and underfloor heating are considered for this building.


Due to the cold and mountainous climate of Abali and the use of flat roofs, to prevent snow from settling on the roof, the roof heating system is also used so that in the cold season, by turning on the heating system, no snow can be seen on the roof. Also in the design, try to proceed according to the slope of the area and the green space and the entrance of the house are formed on a beautiful slope that is consistent with the area. You have the whole Ashraf region.

