Vin Fast


Vin Fast

Design process

The project is based on the international architectural competition in Vietnam in 2020.

In all car shows around the world, the cars inside the show are completely clear without any filters from the outside, and cars and humans can pass by them easily and without looking inside, they can get a view of the existing cars.

But we tried to create different conditions in the design and according to the logo and its structure, to arouse the curiosity of the passers-by about what space is inside and to lead them to the inside of the exhibition.

As a result, we have placed two entrances in the main view of the exhibition, where the visitors are subconsciously placed inside the logo and experts and sellers can easily provide them with technical and complete information.

There is also a veranda on the west side and an entrance on the east side for cars to enter the exhibition.

If you pay attention when looking at the exhibition from above, the logo, which is completely transparent, is embedded in a box made of concrete, which creates a transparent gap in the concrete space, which is the passage of passers-by and visitors to the complex.

In the interior design of most luxury exhibitions, dark colors are used for the interior walls, which make the cars look better to the viewer by the local lights inside the exhibition.

As a result, we shifted the color of the interior walls and floor of the showroom to dark and neutral so that both the cars and the VIN FAST corporate color would receive more attention.

The movement route of the clients is located between the reception and the exhibition to provide easy access to different parts of the exhibition, and also the clients have a complete view of the spaces inside the exhibition when moving in this path.

To separate the spaces, we dedicated the service and VIP sections to the second floor
